YogaClub Introduces New Seasonal Activewear

YogaClub Introduces New Seasonal Activewear

YogaClub Introduces New Seasonal Activewear Subscriptions

The women's activewear stylists at YogaClub are happy to announce their new seasonal activewear subscription, which will deliver a designer three-piece set of yoga apparel every quarter. Designed to keep your look as fresh as the fabric feels, this subscription will save members both money and time, offering stylish items at affordable rates without having to hunt for just the right fit. This means that you'll have the perfect seasonal outfit for your yoga routine, whether you're going back into the studio for the first time in a while, or still enjoying the comfort of home.

YogaClub was founded with the mission to help deliver affordable activewear tailored specifically for you to help you look your best while eliminating the hassle of clothing shopping. This new seasonal offering is their newest innovation toward that goal, by offering curated cuts quarterly for subscribers that are selected from top styles and made with ultra-premium quality materials. This allows you to not only save precious time and valuable money, but also affords you ease of mind without having to fret over every decision and still have the flexibility of generous return policies. Paired with a seasonal refresh in your yoga wardrobe, this program is designed to make yoga fashion as stress free and approachable as possible.

YogaClub is committed to offer the latest and greatest to its members, and is happy to work in collaboration with the community to select the latest and greatest in athletic wear. Every season, subscribers will be able to fill out a quarterly trendsetter survey, designed to help influence the selections for the upcoming season and to keep you aware of burgeoning activewear trends. This will directly shape the outfits releasing in the upcoming quarter, and will even allow you to vote on the items you like most, so you can get them at a more affordable rate than in stores.

Yoga is a practice of not just connecting with yourself and your body, but also connecting with the world around you. For that reason, YogaClub is committed to making its products more environmentally friendly by minimizing wasteful packaging and utilizing natural, recycled materials. Each box in your seasonal activewear subscription is soon-to-be fully recyclable, and you will be able to wear every item in it feeling good not only about the fabric, but about the planet.

To ensure customer satisfaction, YogaClub provides easy exchanges and the flexibility to cancel at any time, along with customer support and their Best Value Guarantee. Available today for only $79/per box, members who join will receive an additional legging in their first seasonal delivery as a free bonus.

YogaClub is an activewear membership that regularly delivers designer outfits at affordable rates, all influenced by our personal and trendsetter surveys. Those wanting to look comfortable, feel great, and keep their wallets in tact can visit them at

YogaClub is your personal stylist for the yoga inspired life. Delivering high quality, brand name yoga apparel at an affordable price, we are committed to empowering women to be active, confident and mindful in everything they take on — from yoga classes to traveling the world.

YogaClub is more than a box of activewear, it's a community of inspired women who share a passion for health, wellness, and giving back.

Popular ways to do Intermittent Fasting

Popular ways to do Intermittent Fasting

While some people mistake fasting with starvation, intermittent fasting is actually about alternating periods of eating with periods of fasting. The difference with starvation is that you voluntarily control the time when you eat. You usually get an eating window which is a period of time during the day when you are allowed to eat, which is followed by a period of time where no consumption of food is admissible.

The intermittent fasting craze started a few years ago with some celebrities like Hugh Jackman and Kourtney Kardashian swearing by it as a weight-loss solution. This is a legitimate option to meet your healthy lifestyle goals, according to Mark Mattson, a neuroscientist with Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore, who wrote a review in the December issue of New England Journal of Medicine. "The state of the science on intermittent fasting has evolved to the point that it can now be considered as one approach, with exercise and healthy food, to improving and maintaining health as a lifestyle approach," he claimed.

If you are new to intermittent fasting, you should hydrate with water before, during, and after the fast. You should also avoid processed and unhealthy foods before and after fasting. For best results, prepare healthy meals for your first meal after the fast to avoid binging on junk food.

There are many ways to do intermittent fasting:

Circadian rhythm

During this method you fast for 13 hours and have an 11-hour feeding window. It starts at sunset and ends in the morning. This fast is based on the research of scientist Dr. Satchin Panda, and it mimics the body's natural clock.

16:8 method

The 16:8 method was popularized by Hugh Jackman as an easy and quick way to lose weight. This is a very popular fasting method where you restrict your daily eating window to 8 hours a day, and you fast for 16 hours. During that eating window, you can fit as many meals as you can, as long as you remember that for best results, you should be eating healthy and less caloric meals. It simply won't work if you eat large amounts of junk food or great amounts of calories. To accomplish this method, you can either skip breakfast or dinner.

During the fasting period, you are only allowed to drink water, black coffee and tea with no milk.

18:6 Intermittent Fast

This is an 18-hour fast with a 6-hour feeding window. Although it is similar to the 16:8 method, the couple of extra hours help your liver get rid of more glycogen while allowing your body to use ketones for fuel. It can also activate autophagy which rids the body of damaged cells.

20:4 Method

Although this is one of the most effective fasting methods for weight loss, it is recommended to switch to this fast once you are a seasoned faster. This is one of the best ways to lose weight quickly as it boosts ketone production. This restrictive type of fast that only allows you to eat during 4 hours per day has moderate autophagy benefits and also helps your mind stay alert.

36 Hour Fast

This challenging one-off fast that allegedly helps reset the metabolism and promote cellular cleansing. Also known as the "Monk Fast" for being restrictive, it is not recommended to do it more than once a week. It might also be a good way to kick-off your diet.

Alternate-Day Fasting

Also known as the "caveman diet" ADF is basically an ongoing 36-hour fast where you alternate a 36-hour fast with a 12-hour feeding window. Given how restrictive it is, new research has examined its health impacts.

Dr. Elizabeth Lowden, a bariatric endocrinologist at the Northwestern Medicine Metabolic Health and Surgical Weight Loss Center at Delnor Hospital in Illinois, explained this method to Healthline. "Alternate-day fasting tends to include both regular food intake alternating with full fasting, meaning no food intake at all, or a significantly reduced intake of about 500 calories."

Some of the potential benefits of ADF include weight loss, increased ketone bodies, lowered cholesterol levels

According to the NHS website, "it's really important not to use an extreme diet if you have a long-term illness, or if you have an eating disorder or a previous history of eating disorders."

A beginner guide to Keto

A beginner guide to Keto

The ketogenic diet is a very low-carb, high-fat diet aimed at putting your body into a metabolic state called ketosis. When your body enters this metabolic state, it uses fat to provide most of the fuel for the body. This happens when your body has limited access to glucose (blood sugar), which is where your body usually gets its energy from. To go into ketosis, you usually need to eat less than 50 grams of carbs per day.

As the keto diet is based on reducing the carbs you eat per day, levels of the hormone insulin go down and fatty acids are released from body fat stores in large quantities. A considerable amount of these fatty acids are then sent to the liver and there they are oxidized and turned into ketones, which provide energy for the body and brain. Basically, when your carb and insulin levels are low, your body goes into ketosis, a metabolic state where ketones become the main sources of energy, while these ketones are made of fatty acids released from body fat stores.

Apart from weight loss, ketosis may lead to other health benefits. It can help keep your heart healthy, as it reduces risk factors such as blood triglycerides and cholesterol. It also improves insulin sensitivity, so it helps prevent type 2 diabetes. The diet may also help to lower your blood pressure, get rid of belly fat, and reduce triglycerides. Some research also suggests that a ketogenic diet may have benefits for patients with Alzheimer's disease, cancer, and Parkinson's disease.

Unfortunately, a ketogenic diet may also have negative effects, such as headache, fatigue, constipation, bad breath and high cholesterol levels. Most of these side effects, however, usually disappear within a few days or weeks.

While a ketogenic diet is safe for most people, it's best to check with your doctor before starting it as there maybe some long-term effects not much talked about vs the rapid weight loss.

Some studies suggest that the ketogenic diet is better than low-fat diets for weight loss and it can help you feel more satiated compared to other diets with lower protein content.

A study published on PubMed, titled "The effects of high protein diets on thermogenesis, satiety and weight loss: a critical review," researchers conducted a systematic review of investigations on the effects of high protein diets on dietary thermogenesis, satiety, body weight and fat loss. Accordingly, "there is convincing evidence that a higher protein intake increases thermogenesis and satiety compared to diets of lower protein content." The abstract also states that "the weight of evidence also suggests that high protein meals lead to a reduced subsequent energy intake".

"Some evidence suggests," according to the study "that diets that diets higher in protein result in an increased weight loss and fat loss as compared to diets lower in protein, but findings have not been consistent."

The study concludes that in when starting a diet, "it may be beneficial to partially replace refined carbohydrate with protein sources that are low in saturated fat."

Now that we know the benefits of the ketogenic diet, here's a list of what we can eat on a ketogenic diet:


Unprocessed meats are low carb, which makes it keto-friendly. If it's organic and grass-fed, even better. Some of the meats you can eat on a keto diet include chicken, ground beef, pork, lamb, bacon, turkey, and ham. Although pork is a fatty meat, it's okay to eat it on a keto diet as it's a high-fat diet, but remember to keep your caloric intake under control for best results.

While on keto, stay away from processed meats, such as sausages and meatballs, which contain added carbs. A good rule-of-thumb is to look at the ingredients and aim for under 5 percent carbs.

Fish and seafood

This is a great, healthy option on a keto diet. Opt for fatty fishes such as salmon, preferably wild-caught fish. Salmon also boasts great health benefits as it is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, high in B vitamins, it's a good source of potassium, contains antioxidant astaxanthin, and it may help reduce the risk of heart disease, apart from being an ideal source of protein. Remember to avoid fish sticks and breaded fish, in general, due to the added carbs.

On a keto diet, you can also eat eggs, cheese, nuts, berries, dairy and vegetables that grow above ground.

Benefits of Lemon water

Benefits of Lemon water

Starting your day with a glass of lemon water is one of the latest nutritions trends out there. Supporters claim that drinking lemon water can help you lose weight, improve digestion, improve your skin, detoxify your body and have 'alkalising' effects on the body.

The effects of lemon water, however, will remain the same regardless of the time you drink it, and although there is no evidence to suggest that lemon water has an 'alkalising' effect on the body, there are many other ways your body may benefit from lemon water.


Although water is the best beverage for hydration, many of us don't like the taste of it on its own. Some people find drinking lemon water easier than plain water, which helps us stay hydrated and comply with NHS recommendations - drinking 6 to 8 glass of fluids, preferably water, a day. Drinking water first thing in the morning can also help you battle early morning dehydration, particularly after drinking alcohol or eating salty meals the evening before.

Vitamin C

Lemons, like other citrus fruits, are high in vitamin C, which is a primary antioxidant that is used to prevent and treat scurvy and the common cold. Vitamin C helps protect cells from damaging free radicals. This antioxidant is also an essential nutrient that helps to repair the tissue and enzymatic production of neurotransmitters, and may reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and strokes.

Weight loss

The lemon water hype started back in 2008 when a Japanese study linked lemon's polyphenol antioxidants to less weight gain and improved fat metabolism in mice who were overfed with a high-fat diet in order to induce obesity. Although this could work in humans, there's no current research that can make that claim directly. Another issue is that while lemon uses the juice instead of the rind, mice in the study were eating the lemon rind, where most of the polyphenols can be found.

Drinking lemon water, however, can promote weight loss in humans indirectly. People tend to mistake thirst for hunger, and if they don't like water, they might end up overeating or drinking sugary drinks that can lead to weight loss. If people substitute these drinks and snacks with lemon water, they will more likely stay hydrated and reduce the empty calories they consume throughout the day. Dehydration, in turn, can also slow down metabolism, which can lead to weight gain. Drinking lemon water or citrus fruits can also have a satiating effect and help suppress appetite.

It helps digestion

Although there's no research that can back this up, some people find that drinking a glass of lemon, particularly first thing in the morning, aids in digestion. This may be due to the acid in lemons which help supplement stomach acid levels, which helps break down food.

While indigestion can make you feel bloated and constipated, some people believe that drinking lemon water in the morning acts as a laxative. Others also claim that drinking hot lemon water helps you jump-start your digestive system, facilitating the digestion of food and preventing the buildup of toxins.

Improves your skin

Lemon water keeps you hydrated, which helps to keep your skin moisturized, and the vitamin C found in lemons may help reduce skin wrinkling, dry skin from aging, and damage from the sun.

It keeps your breath fresh

Drinking hot lemon water after a meal can help remedy bad breath, particularly after a meal rich in garlic, onions, or fish. Apart from its freshness, lemon stimulates saliva and helps prevent a dry mouth, which can cause bad breath due to bacteria.

It helps prevent kidney stones

Citrate, a component of citric acid which is found in lemons, makes urine less acidic and may break up small stones. Lemon water is also a source of liquid that can help you flush out stones.

Drink it hot or cold

Squeeze half a lemon into 8 ounces of warm or cold water. If you'd like to add more flavour, add mint, honey, ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, cucumber, or slices of other citrus fruits like orange.

The downside of drinking lemon water is that the citric acid may erode tooth enamel. The damage is not dramatic as it's already diluted in water, but if you want to reduce the risk, drink lemon water through a straw, and rinse your mouth afterwards.